Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 trip system - Adventure

Filed under , , , , by dd-15633322115 on 8:10 PM

The Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 trip theory - adventure is a great trip theory as it comes with a stroller which has a basket underneath and 2 drink holders and also a car seat. This is a great way to purchase some of your baby furniture as you are getting 2 for the price of 1, I love deals like that.

You can also get the Chicco Keyfit 30 trip theory in a duplicate which is great if you still have a younger child as well as your baby. It comes with an adjustable deal with which is great in case hubby wants to push bubs as well. This stroller maneuvers well and the wheels are slightly cushy which makes for a great ride for baby. Also the back seat folds all the way down, that's great for the baby and then your younger child can sit in the front seat.


The Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 trip theory comes in a collection of colors so hopefully they have a beloved color, they all come with gray and then a contrasting color. The trip theory also folds away for ease of storage. The car seat also goes in and out of the stroller very easily, but be warned all car seats fit differently and may not fit your car. This is a common qoute when buying a car seat so you will need to do some investigating.

The theory is easy to clean and I would suggest doing this with a damp cloth and then giving it a bit of a wash where baby gets it dirty the most.

It's foremost when looking for a stroller/car seat to take care and do your study as this is a very foremost piece of baby equipment and you want to get it right. You want your baby to have a good ride and also you want it to be easy for you to handle.

Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 trip system - Adventure


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